Happy Summer everyone! Hopefully this post finds you enjoying warmer, longer summer days. I actually saw on the national news tonight that the longest day of 2024 will be This Thursday! June 20th! So, get ready to enjoy that long day. It's also apparently much earlier this year than normal.

It's Summer at The DB! My husband and I definitely enjoy swimming in the pool, mostly in the evening hours for many reasons. 1) we are both pretty busy during the day. My husband is an accountant for Windstream and works from home, and these little doll babies I raise keep me busy. Plus, my husband is a little short on hair and enjoys the shade of evening hours :') I'm not crazy about direct sun myself! We have lots of evening swims, though, and love our pool!

We only have ONE puppy left in our older group of pups! That's little Ivan. He is sweet, he is cute, and he is looking for LOVE! Will you be his person????
We have had many "lessons" lately. About being sweet, respecting our friends space, and playing nicely. They are listening so nicely and learning so much every day!

My family and I are preparing to go on our bi-yearly vacation soon! Every other year my husband Kerry and I take our ENTIRE family to Florida for a week. It's so much fun to relax with everyone and be a part of the grandbabies daily lives for a whole week. This year we will leave on June 29th. My best friends son, Hayden, will be staying here with all of our dogs and puppies. Several of our puppies will be going home end of next week, but I know Hayden will do a great job taking care of everyone just as he did in 2022! With much less complications this time. We were just moving into our home in 2022 and the painters were painting when our vacation fell, that I had booked before we even knew we were moving! Poor Hayden had to pack up the baby pups and go to his house with them mid week. What a disaster! Im so thankful we aren't in that postion this time. Just try and get someone to let you stay with them when you have 30 dogs to bring with you! Whew! We seriously barely survived. But 2024 is looking great for Vacay with no evacuation necessary!
Next week I will be traveling to Tennessee with several of our puppies. I do enjoy travel days. I love to listen to my country music and enjoy the sights! Plus my husband Kerry gets to help me on those days with all the cleaning! HEHE!
Thank you all for your continued support of The DB! Thank you for watching every video and loving on these sweet babies from afar and most of all, choosing the Dachshund Barn when you know you want to add a dachshund to your family. I am forever grateful!
So, enjoy these summer days, especially that super long Thursday coming up! We will see you soon. Maybe I can even get Hayden to send me a few videos during Vacay!